The 21st Century has witnessed some of very exciting trends in the business world , unheard of prior , especially in India.
Out of nowhere, youngsters started appearing on the business horizon with their newly launched startups... a trend which was predominantly witnessed in Silicon Valley.
The trigger to this massive change can be investigated to its roots with ample of perspectives... however, I have one interesting hypothesis to explain this phenomenon.
According to my hypothesis, Facebook and Watsapp are the key triggers to generate this new age startups boom. If that sounds baffling... let me attempt to explain the genesis of this concept.
While there was no denying that India has some of the fastest growing internet user population... that was primarily limited with the well to do , well educated demographic sections of the society, who got addicted to Emails and were using Blackberries for office communication and desktops or laptops for accessing internet for plethora of activities which ranged from job searches, matrimonial searches, education, entertainment so on so forth.
To cater to this demographic segment, advent of the smart phones took place which was lead by Samsung - as apple wasn't yet a commercially viable option for masses.
Subsequently, Facebook took over from Orkut... and in no time, watsapp came into play. These two apps, practically took the masses on the storm. From School kids to office top brass, from your domestic help to rickshaw drivers.... one could find facebook accounts of practically anybody EVEN without English abilities.
The launch of 3G - availability of highly cost effective Chinese smart phones were some of the key factors to fuel this Mobility and connectivity wildfire across the demographics of India.
So now the time has arrived where a large number of Indian population is using smart phones - with data connection and having internet has become a part of their daily lifestyle. While the trigger for the most of them was to have watsapp or Facebook... the fact is, they were not going to stay restrained for long. Browning some sites, for entertainment and then for utility was a natural progression.
Now this becomes the conducive environment to get started with startup ideas which solves problems or which aids to the routine lives of the masses. In no time, flipkart, snapdeal, jabong, eBay had become household names and soon people were buying, ordering stuff from online.
The rest is history with so many unicorns which were brewed in this wave.
While some may conveniently assume that the best time for a startup was 4 years back, the fact is, for a country of billion people, the saturation point is way too ahead. Thus, don't hold your horses... the time to gallop is now.
Biznox, a business focused startup is geared up to assume the pivotal place of being business enabler. From the startups to well entrenches businesses seeking to expand, from venture capitalist to business consultants, from those who seek to enter new markets with acquisitions to those who wants to capitalize from the existing business they own - has become a buzzing place for business and entrepreneurship.
Its the time to full throttle on the business dreams with !!!
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